If You See A Blue Pumpkin This Halloween What Does It Mean?
With the feeling of fall in the air, the decorations are out and of course, Halloween is just around the corner. This year you need to get a blue pumpkin to add to your decorations.
I have a neighbor that goes all out for Halloween. He decorates his entire front yard for all of the kids to enjoy. Last year he had a spooky pirate theme complete with a small pirate ship and a giant spider that you had to walk under to get your treats.
But back to the pumpkins. We all have our assortment of pumpkins and other Halloween stuff out, but why a blue pumpkin? Well, the reason for putting one out is pretty cool and you will be helping some kids out that may have food allergies.
If you have a child that suffers from severe food allergies, Halloween is not the coolest of things for them. With the possibility of something with peanuts or other potentially dangerous allergy-causing ingredients out there, some kids just stay at home and don't get to experience Halloween.
This is what the 'Teal Pumpkin Project' is all about:
The Teal Pumpkin Project is a simple way to make trick-or-treating safer and more inclusive for the one in 13 children living with food allergies, and many others impacted by intolerances and other conditions. Placing a teal pumpkin on your doorstep signals that, in addition to candy, you offer non-food trinkets and treats that are safe for all trick-or-treaters. Help us make this Halloween one to remember!
This is such a cool trend that I hope spreads and kids in this area can enjoy some safe Halloween fun. So if you have a kid that has food allergies make sure and look for the blue pumpkin so they can participate in the Halloween fun this year.
LOOK: How Halloween has changed in the past 100 years
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