Last week, I was fighting a bug. I'm pretty sure it was a really bad head cold, but I'm still not I'm still just not 100%. I asked on my Facebook for home remedies and my friends came through for me on all kinds advise!

I actually tried most of them and I do feel much better. Here are some of the responses. Funny how alcohol is a common denominator in most of the remedies, but hey, if it works! Do you have any to add to these below?

  • Richard: hot toddy warm whiskey, honey, and lemon juice.
  • Jessica: airborne!!!!!
  • Tabitha : i make using hot tea, whiskey, honey, lemon and red hots.. its a good one..
  • Gerald : bless your heart! i'm just getting over mine! will pray for you it's some bad stuff hon! cut some onion and garlic and put it in your room before bedtime! it helps lift the germs out!
  • Leah : Zinc!
  • Tabitha: the toddy can be made with out the alcohol but it does help you rest later..if you make it sweet enough with the honey you cant even taste the alcohol,, and red hots or cinnamon and drink as hot as you can stand it.. and breath in the vapors as you sip it.. also agree cut open an onion and and garlic in your room,,,
  • Chuck: Seriously, try a little Vicks or Bengay. Rub it on your chest to keep your chest from being congested and the vapors of it will help on the congestion. Make sure you cover up at night and sweat it out...
  • Merilyn: Zicam with Zinc

  • Linda: Mucinex helped us...but finally after 3 months got antibiotics from doc.
  • Jerry : OJ, 7 UP, Alka-Seltzer plus cold and cough, the one you put into water, LOTS of bed rest. Stacy and I are just getting over it.
  • Tabitha: Vicks good too put on ur chest. N I put just a Dab on my upper lip to inhale the mentholatum!!
  • Aaron Onair: in an 8 oz. glass, mix two shots of crown royal 2 Tb. spoons Honey fill the rest up with a beverage of your choice. I use Root Beer. stir well and Microwave for 45-60 seconds. this in most cases works for me.

  • Frix: Alcohol takes water from your system and you need all the liquids you can drink. I use a saline spray the minute I feel one coming on and take as much Vitamin C as you can tolerate. Tussin or Mucinex is good to get it out of your system.
  • Donna: I'm so sorry!!!!...You KNOW my remedy....TUSSIN, NYQUIL, and TYLENOL....WATER AND OJ........! SLEEEEEEEEPPPPPPP!

  • Sharon: Bed rest & plenty of water. Good ole Vicks on the chest, back & under the nose. Hope u feel better soon xxxxx
  • Allison : zycam works wonders... cuts it all in half

  • Donna: I used Alka-seltzer plus and made all the difference . Hope your better soon.
  • Russ: Hot chocolate with rum or brandy. Repeat as needed. You'll still be sick, you just won't give a damn. I swear by it!

  • Melanie: A very close friend told me years ago to try the Neti Pot Sinus Rinse!! It works wonders. In addition, Dayquil and Nyquil and lots of fluids!! So sorry you are sick! Hope you feel better soon. Hug

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