Donald Trump Calls Neil Young a ‘Total Hypocrite’
You didn't think Donald Trump was going to let Neil Young have the last word in their recent kerfuffle regarding Trump's unauthorized use of "Rockin' in the Free World," did you?
As previously reported, Young was predictably displeased when Trump used Young's song as part of the soundtrack at the coming-out party for his 2016 presidential campaign. "Donald Trump was not authorized to use ‘Rockin’ in the Free World’ in his presidential candidacy announcement," Young assured fans in a statement. "Neil Young, a Canadian citizen, is a supporter of Bernie Sanders for President of the United States of America."
Trump agreed to stop using the song, but has since turned to Twitter to take a few shots at Young — and reveal that the two met up on far friendlier terms recently, when Young took a trip to Trump's office in search of what Trump referred to as money "for an audio deal" (presumably Young's Pono service). According to Trump, who posted a photo of the two together as well as a shot of the contract they signed, Young later followed up with a phone call inviting him to a concert, all of which makes him a "total hypocrite."
You can check the whole thing out below, including Trump's assertion that "Rockin' in the Free World" was just a small part of a 10-song "background music" playlist for the event — and that he "didn’t love it anyway."
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