Loudwire Staff
Tommy Lee Posts Fully Nude Photo of Himself on Social Media
That's one way to excite your followers.
2022 Hard Rock + Metal Album Release Calendar
We keep track of all the rock and metal releases so you don't have to.
Watch Foo Fighters’ Taylor Hawkins Trade Autographs for Cash
Is this the Foo Fighters drummer's side hustle?
2021 Rock + Metal Festival Guide
See which 2021 festival lineup is right for you!
Before They Were Famous – See Over 150 Rock Star Yearbook Photos
Before they became rock and metal legends, they were just regular kids in school.
8 Rockers Who Died and Came Back to Life
Among the living.
Rockers We’ve Lost in 2020
Rest in peace.
Which U.S. State Rocks the Hardest?
We've got the answers.
Ace Frehley Calls Out Gene Simmons, Says He Groped His Wife
Read the tell-all statement.
Ozzy Osbourne Guitarists Ranked
Ozzy has always been surrounded by crazy talent.
Classic Rockers Walter Becker and Dave Hlubek Pass Away
Sad news to report as Steely Dan's Walter Becker and Molly Hatchet's Dave Hlubek both passed away on Sunday, Sept. 3.
Soundgarden Singer Chris Cornell Dies at 52
Absolutely shocking and tragic news, as Chris Cornell suddenly died last night (May 17) at the age of 52 following Soundgarden's performance at the Fox Theatre in Detroit.