GuySpeed Editors
Sheridyn Fisher — Babe of the Day
You know what they say about bikinis -- you don't have to design 'em to wear 'em. Well, this Aussie babe does both. And well.
Arielle Reitsma — Babe of the Day
The kind of girl who gets cast as "Stunningly Beautiful Woman" in movies.
Melissa Molinaro — Babe of the Day
If you think "inventor of the Power Booty Workout" looks good on a resume, wait until you see it in a bikini.
Kristina Makarova — Babe of the Day
We wouldn't mind colluding with this Soviet stunner.
Carmella Rose — Babe of the Day
She can swim with sharks and not get eaten, which is more than enough for us to think she's amazing. Then we saw how smoking hot she is and now we're questioning the limits of reality.
Chelsea Pereira — Babe of the Day
Those eyes though...
CJ Sparxx — Babe of the Day
Sit back and get ready to watch the Sparxx fly.
Sloppy Robber Leaves His Resume at Victim’s Home
"Attention to detail" is probably not something this guy needs to put on his CV.
Denise Schaefer — Babe of the Day
She's really good at not wearing a bra, which is a skill we appreciate.
Dunkin’ Donuts Worker Arrested for Selling Drugs on the Job
America runs (from crime) on Dunkin'.
Lauren Loretta — Babe of the Day
She's got two first name and two first class... well, you can see for yourself.
Kara Del Toro — Babe of the Day
Toro! Toro! Olé!