2022 Fall Festivals & Trunk or Treat Events in Texarkana And Surrounding Areas
Who's ready for all the little ghosts and goblins? It's time to start making our list and checking it twice for all the fun events going on in and around the Texarkana area for the kids.
Here it is! The list so far for all the great Fall Festivals and Halloween Trunk or Treat Events.
Thursday, October 20
Spring Lake Park Fall Festival Starting from 5 PM to 7 PM There will be games, candy, hayrides, pumpkin painting and costume contests. Then the movie Hocus Pocus starts at 7. Free Admission.
Saturday, October 22
Fall Festival Maud ISD at the Hugh B Stewart Gym located at 389 Houston St. Maud Texas. From 3PM -7PM. With fun games and activities for the kids. Free admission.BBQ meals for purchase.
Wednesday, October 26
Fall-O-Ween Jesus at Trinity Baptist Church From 6 PM to 7:15 PM located at 3115 Trinity Blvd. in Texarkana, Arkansas. The evening will include games, contests and prizes. Plus fellowship and worship. the kids should wear their costumes to class. Find out more here.
Friday, October 28
HealthCARE Express Trunk or Treat 6 PM at all three locations. It's trunk or treat and fun themes for the kids.
Saturday, October 29
Kiwanis Annual Trunk or Treat 11AM to 2 PM. at 321 west 4th Street. Bring your kid out in costume and trick-or-treat around a variety of decorated cars and games. This is a free community event. More info here.
Crossties Fall Festival Starting at 1 PM. Located at 324 E. Broad St. Vendors are welcome to help create a fun and safe place for the community to trick or treat. There will be a carnival plus games for all ages. More details here.
4th Annual Trunk or Treat at Spring Lake Park Put on the City of Texarkana, Texas and the Texarkana Texas Parks and Recreation Department. Starting at 3 PM and going til 6 PM It will be a park your park and walk format this year.
SpookFest at the Plex 2022 at 5610 Richmond Road. Starting at 3PM. From trick-or-treating to carnival games 3 PM-6 PM. From 7 PM to 10 PM it's a haunted house for older Halloween guests, parental discretion is advised. For more information please contact The Sportsplex at (903) 838-4697. or go here.
Trunk or Treat at ATWOODS at 111 Atwoods Drive in Nash. It will start at 5 PM Volunteers needed. More information Here
Truck or Treat at Walnut Church of Christ 2720 Moores Ln, Texarkana from 6 PM to 8 PM. There will be Candy, Hotdogs and Games. Please no scary costumes. It is a family-friendly event. More details here.
Trunk or Treat: Atlanta at Healthcare Express along with the Atlanta Police Department and Public Library it's a town-wide Trunk or Treat at Woods Park located at 210 E Hiram St. trunk or treating is from 5 PM to 7 PM. at 7:30 PM a showing of Hocus Pocus. They will be serving free popcorn and refreshments, while supplies last. Be sure to bring blankets and lawn chairs. More info here.
Fall Festival Trunk or Treat & Chili Cookoff - Rock Creek Baptist Church – located at FM 2149 between Maud New Boston.There will be candy, games, facepainting and more from 5:30PM to 7:30PM. More details here.
Village community Baptist Church in the circle at Wake Village Trunk or Treat 5 to 7 PM
New Boston Fall Festival 4PM- 7PM Trick or Treat, Cookie Walk, Costume Contest, Chili Cookoff and more. at #1 Trail Head Park Plaza in New Boston, Texas
Sunday, October 30
Fall Fest 2022 -Trunk or Treat at Free Life Church located at 3700 North Robison Road. from 4:30 PM to 6 PM. Bring the family for candy & games at the Trunk Or Treat festival. There will also be a food truck with food for purchase. There will be cotton candy, games, music, face painting and a bounce house. More details here.
Trunk-or-Treat at Trinity Baptist Church at 3115 Trinity Blvd. in Texarkana, Arkansas beginning at 6 PM. They'll have free candy, games, and food for the whole family. More details here.
Trunk or Treat at Sugarhill United Methodist Church from 4 PM to 6 PM at 1621 Sugar Hill Road. There will be food, games and bounce houses. Details here.
Sweet Treat Fall Festival First Baptist Church Moores Lane at 3015 Moore Lane 4:30PM to 6:30PM. Food, funnel cakes, games, trunk or treat & more. More details here.
Monday, October 31
Trunk or Treat & Haunted Trail at Texas A&M Texarkana -located at 7107 University Drive on the UC Lawn 5PM-7PM Free Admission. More details here
Trunk or Treat at First Baptist Church Wake Village, Texas from 6 PM to 8 PM There will be candy, cookie decorating, fellowship and more. Details here.
Trunk or Treat 2022 GT Church in Atlanta, Texas located at 607 Holly Street. Starting at 6 PM There will be carnival games, a bounce house, free food and candy. More information here.
Trunk or Treat/Costume Contest NextHome Realty Advisors
Two locations. 5487 Summerhill Road Texarkana, TX and 211 N Pinecrest Dr in Atlanta. 5PM til Dusk.
Trick or Treat on Elm St. with Prescott Nevada Chamber of Commerce - Candy, food, music and more from 5:30 PM to 7:30PM
If your event is not listed be sure to let us know and we will add it! Email the information to Lisa.Lindsey@townsquaremedia.com

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