10 Moments That Nearly Destroyed Rock
Some moments in time were so pivotal that they changed the course of rock ’n’ roll history. We’ve put together 10 of these moments, that if altered only slightly, could have destroyed rock music.
In 1948, the iconic inventor of the solid-body electric guitar, Les Paul, almost died in a car accident before he could design the technological innovations that made modern music possible. While recovering in the hospital for over a year, Paul was given more than enough time to think, allowing him to perfect a new technology called multitrack recording. A couple of years later, the Gibson Les Paul was designed, and where would rock be without the Les Paul?
Black Sabbath‘s Tony Iommi is the godfather of heavy metal, but his career was almost cut short at 17-years-old, when he was involved in an industrial accident that chopped off the tips of the middle and ring fingers on his fretting hand. As a result, Iommi adjusted his approach to guitar, with down-tuned strings to ease his playing, creating a signature sound for Black Sabbath. Had the accident been worse, heavy metal as we know it may have never existed.
Should music be “rated” in the way that movies are? Back in 1985, an organization called the Parents Music Resource Center -- the PMRC for short -- argued for that very system. To help support their argument, they came up with a list of songs, known as “The Filthy Fifteen,” including Venom, Mercyful Fate, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, AC/DC and Twisted Sister. To battle the PMRC, Dee Snider and Frank Zappa took on Tipper Gore and her panel, testifying on live television and helping rescue music from the grips of censorship.
Check out the 10 Moments That Almost Destroyed Rock in the Loud List above.
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