If you feel like you look five years older than you should, and it's making you self-conscious, here are five foods that can improve your looks.

#1.)  Spinach. It contains carotenoids, which make the whites of your eyes whiter.  Visine can damage your eyes if you use it too much, because it works by constricting their blood vessels.

So after you go on a bender this weekend, eat spinach instead.


#2.)  Eggs. They're high in iron, which helps prevent hair loss... so your head won't LOOK like an egg.  (HI-YO!) And the sulfur in eggs naturally makes your hair softer.


#3.)  Bananas. Smoking and getting too much sun are two of the worst things you can do for your skin, because both of them make your skin less elastic... which makes you look older than you are.

But the potassium in bananas does the opposite.  And having enough of it in your diet can do more for your skin than a lot of lotions and anti-aging products.


#4.)  Beets. Beetroot contains something called betaine (BEE-tah-een), which helps your body break down fat.  So eating beets can improve your looks by helping you lose weight.

But if you start eating A LOT of beets, be prepared for one significant side effect:  Dwight on "The Office" lives on a beet farm and always talks about how many he eats.  And if he's telling the truth... his urine is bright red.


#5.)  Guava. They're high in antioxidants, which counteract the free radicals in your body that cause skin damage.  And they also have five times more vitamin C than an orange, which helps your body create collagen.

Collagen is the same stuff women have injected into their lips to make them look fuller, but it's also in your skin.  And adding more makes your skin look younger.

If you don't like the taste of guava, you don't have to eat it:  Just squish it up, rub it on your skin, and wait a few minutes.  Then take a shower... because you'll be covered in fruit, you nasty freak.

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