I've always been fascinated with stars and I mean real stars like the kind in the sky not the Holywood kind. This week stargazers have a special opportunity to see four planets with the naked eye all lined up across the sky.
So here's the news: The World's Smallest Comic has been made, a strip by Claudia Puhlfürst called Juana Knits The Planet, etched onto a single human hair. It was done with a machine called the "Focused Ion Beam," which, like a very fine laser, used a tiny, tiny jet of matter to carve twelve panels at a microscopic size, in order to promote the technology being shown at the Exceptional Ha
Guys the next time your wife or girlfriend gets angry that you won't ask for directions, just say "Hey, that's the way I was made!" Now there's research to prove that your not really stubborn, you suffer from "Blind Panic." What?
The cast of ‘Jersey Shore’ aside, there’s pretty much only one kind of human being these days — but according to a new scientific discovery, it may not have always been that way.
Growing up, we always got a weird feeling watching ‘Mr. Wizard’s World’ on Nickelodeon. The old curmudgeon was full of knowledge and insight, but he imparted that brain power in the most arrogant manner. No wonder we opted for sci-fi – at least Emmett Brown’s put downs are funny.
For the guy who has always wanted to know what it feels like to be pregnant, now they can! The Mommy Tummy is a pregnancy simulator. Men can experience the weight gain and the sensation of a baby kicking. Why do I think most men will have no interest in this experience...