Arkansas falls low on lists for a lot of things. It is 49th in health care, 48 on crime and corrections, 41 on the economy, and 41 in education. But it is 28th on this list and it is actually a good thing.
It didn't take a lot of investigating to arrest this drunk driver. Over the weekend police set up a DWI checkpoint in Newton, North Carolina using their mobile command center bus. It was a little in front of 3AM Sunday morning, when Douglas Southard, from Hickory, NC., came along in his red 1989 Camaro.
Last week in Coram New York, 22 year old Kevin Daly, was going out to party, and he decided to wear what he thought was his most clever t-shirt. It say's "I'm not an Alcoholic, I'm a Drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings", and sure enough, he got arrested for Drunk Driving.
Kevin Signalness of Portland, Oregon pulled off a rare feat on Monday... he pulled off what we're calling a CRIME PENTATHLON. That's five different, unique crimes all done simultaneously... and you rarely see that happen. Let's break it down...