Here is how you can help prevent abuse or accidental use of prescribed medications, it's called Take Back Day with the Texarkana Arkansas Police Department. This is your chance to safely get rid of dangerous expired or unused prescription drugs.
On Saturday, April 27, from 10AM to 1PM, the Texarkana Arkansas Police Department, Miller County Sheriff Office, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and the Miller County Prosecutor’s Office will give the public another opportunity to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs for April Drug Take-Back Day.
The recent Drug Take Back Day gave area residents a chance to get rid of unwanted medications and that chance is still there according to Texarkana Arkansas Police.
The Texarkana drug take-back day is coming up later this month and law enforcement officials hope everyone is preparing to take part by ridding their medicine cabinets and cupboards of unused and expired prescription drugs.