Benjamin Franklin said, “The only things certain in life are death and taxes.” Yep, and welcome to Tax Day 2013. Have you filed your taxes yet? Did ya get anything back? If you did, What did you spend it on?
I've been thinking, and you know how dangerous that can be! Let's say you're the President, how is it at a time when your economy is in a very slow recovery, you think it's a good idea to raise 70% of the nations workers payroll tax 2%? Let's do some math!
If you filed your taxes electronically, you may be wondering where your refund is. And, if you visited the IRS website’s “Where’s my refund?” page, you may have been given an error message that says the IRS has no information about your return...
Often a character in a movie will be made an accountant to indicate that they're . . . well . . . boring.
But being a movie, this boring accountant has to be put in an interesting situation or nobody is going to want to pay ten bucks to see it.
So, in fact, many celluloid accountants turn out to be interesting and dynamic characters, rather than just soul-less bean counters.
We've compiled a list
Today is tax day, and if you think the stuff WE get taxed for is crazy, check out this list from It's five of the craziest taxes in history.
One of the few joys of tax preparation is making deductions and watching your bill from Uncle Sam get lower and lower.
Here's a list of five expenses that might be tempting to deduct, but are strictly forbidden by the IRS.
While doing (and paying) your taxes is the opposite of a good time, there are some taxes that are so ridiculous, they're actually kind of fun.
Well, maybe not so fun if you actually live in one of these states. Check out our list of seven ridiculous state taxes:
It’s tax time! It can get overwhelming to file all alone. Here are a few resources that might help.
The IRS Website
The IRS’s website, while written in legalese, is the ultimate guide to everything you’ll need to know about your taxes. Here, you can download tax forms and find out which items are deductible. The site is a valuable resource if you’re filing your own taxes.
It’s tax season, but that also means it's tax return season, too. In 2010, the average return was $3,036. That’s a lot of money to get at one time. With all that extra cash, you might be asking yourself, "How should I spend it?"
With tax day just around the corner, the IRS is readying itself to spot this year's round of tax evaders. Given the lack of impulse control and sense of entitlement among the celebrity set (we're looking at you, Charlie Sheen), it should be no surprise that the famous and the powerful are among the worst tax cheats out there. Here are seven celebrities who didn't pay the tax man, and ended up payi