The Texarkana Texas City Council meets at 6pm this evening at Texas side City Hall.

Here is the agenda for the meeting:




Upcoming City Council Meetings: Tuesday, May 29, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. Monday, June 11, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. Monday, July 9, 2018, at 6:00 p.m.

Parks & Recreation Events: May 18th - 19th Dixie Baseball Tournament Spring Lake Park

May 19th Heart Walk Spring Lake Park

May 19th ASA Softball Tournament Karrh Park

May 24th Movies in the Park: “Coco”** Spring Lake Park

Special Presentations

1. Girl Scout Gold Awards

2. Public Service Internship Program Recognition

3. Police Department Life Saving Awards

4. Put On Purple Day Proclamation - May 18, 2018

5. Kids to Parks Day Proclamation - May 19, 2018

6. 2018 Wine Festival Highlights

Appointments to Boards & Commissions

Discussion pertaining to board and commission appointments.


Consent Items

1. Consider approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council held on April 23, 2018 at 6:00 PM.

2. Resolution No. 2018-054 authorizing the City Manager to enter into an annual contract for mill and overlay road maintenance services. Public Hearing: Council Vote: May 14, 2018

Open Forum: Comments from the public (Limit 5 minutes each) Items scheduled for "Public Hearing" or have been heard at a previous "Public Hearing" are not to be addressed at the "Open Forum".

Action Items

3. Resolution No. 2018-052 approving the addition to the TIRZ #1 project list of infrastructure improvements to property on South Cowhorn Loop in an amount not to exceed $126,375 and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract for the reimbursement of said amount from funds in the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1 Fund. Public Hearing: Council Vote: May 14, 2018

4. Resolution No. 2018-060 authorizing the City Manager to enter into a matching funds agreement with the Northeast Texas Regional Mobility Authority. Public Hearing: Council Vote: May 14, 2018


1. Ordinance No. 2018-053 abandoning and closing a 20' alley located in Block 28 City Improvement Company West Side Addition. Public Hearing: May 14, 2018 Council Vote: May 29, 2018

2. Resolution No. 2018-055 authorizing and directing the preparation and public inspection of service plans for consideration of annexation proceedings of certain properties into the city limits. Public Hearing: Council Vote: May 14, 2018

3. Ordinance No. 2018-056 amending PD-18-2(C) for site plan approval on a 8.104 acre tract of land in the George Brinlee HRS, A-18, located in the 4000 block of Mall Drive. Gregg Orr, applicant. Kayla Wood, MTG Engineering and Surveying, agent. Public Hearing: May 29, 2018 Council Vote: May 29, 2018

4. Ordinance No. 2018-057 amending PD-2(GR) for site plan approval on a 1.353 acre tract of land being part of Lot 2, South Cowhorn Creek Loop Subdivision (proposed Lot 4, Block 1), located in the 2000 block Mall Drive. Toney Livingston, under contract to purchase. David Williams, MTG Engineering and Surveying, agent. Public Hearing: May 29, 2018 Council Vote: May 29, 2018

5. Ordinance No. 2018-058 amending PD-2(GR) for site plan approval on a 1.330 acre tract of land being part of Lot 2, South Cowhorn Creek Loop Subdivision (proposed Lot 5, Block 1), located in the 2000 block of Mall Drive. CTM Hospitality, LLC, under contract to purchase. David Williams, MTG Engineering and Surveying, agent. Public Hearing: May 29, 2018 Council Vote: May 29, 2018

6. Ordinance No. 2018-059 granting a Specific Use Permit to allow a residential treatment center (women only) on Lots 8-10, Block 118, City Trigg Addition, located at 1114 Olive Street. Nelda Shavers, under contract to purchase. Public Hearing: May 29, 2018 Council Vote: May 29, 2018


1. Ordinance No. 2018-040 granting a Specific Use Permit to allow the application of permanent cosmetics/microblading on Lot 2, Block 1, Richmond Road Development Addition, located at 5602 Richmond Road (Suite 108). Curt Green, applicant. Chi Do, agent. Public Hearing: May 14, 2018 Council Vote: May 14, 2018

2. Ordinance No. 2018-041 rezoning a 5.913 acre tract of land in the George Brinlee HRS, A-18, located at the dead-end of North Kenwood Road. Single Family-2 to General Retail. Walnut Church of Christ, applicant. Kayla Wood, MTG Engineering and Surveying, agent. Public Hearing: May 14, 2018 Council Vote: May 14, 2018

3. Ordinance No. 2018-042 granting a Specific Use Permit to allow outside sales, storage and display of automobiles, boats and RV's on a 5.913 acre tract of land in the George Brinlee HRS, A-18, located at the dead-end of North Kenwood Road. Walnut Church of Christ, applicant. Kayla Wood, MTG Engineering and Surveying, agent. Public Hearing: May 14, 2018 Council Vote: May 14, 2018

4. Ordinance No. 2018-043 rezoning a 0.95 acre tract of land in the George Brinlee HRS, A-18, located at the dead-end of Franklin Street. Single Family-2 to General Retail. Charles Firmin, Jr., applicant. Kayla Wood, MTG Engineering and Surveying, agent. Public Hearing: May 14, 2018 Council Vote: May 14, 2018

5. Ordinance No. 2018-044 granting a Specific Use Permit to allow outside sales, storage and display of automobiles, boats and RV's on a 0.95 acre tract of land in the George Brinlee HRS, A-18, located at the dead-end of Franklin Street. Charles Firmin, Jr., applicant. Kayla Wood, MTG Engineering and Surveying, agent. Public Hearing: May 14, 2018 Council Vote: May 14, 2018

6. Ordinance No. 2018-045 rezoning a 12.618 acre tract of land in the George Brinlee HRS, A-18, located at 2916 Pleasant Grove Road. Single Family-1 to Neighborhood Service. Aaron Gaylor, applicant. Public Hearing: May 14, 2018 Council Vote: May 14, 2018

7. Ordinance No. 2018-046 revoking Specific Use Permit No. S-682 that permitted the location of a tattoo studio on part of a 25.334 acre tract in the Eli Moore HRS, A-401, located at 2729 New Boston Road (Suite 110A). City of Texarkana, Texas, applicant. Public Hearing: May 14, 2018 Council Vote: May 14, 2018

8. Ordinance No. 2018-047 granting a Specific Use Permit to allow the location of a tattoo studio on part of a 25.334 acre tract in the Eli Moore HRS, A-18, located at 2827 New Boston Road. New Boston Retail Group, LLC, applicant. David Dukes, agent. Public Hearing: May 14, 2018 Council Vote: May 14, 2018


Staff Updates - None


1. City Council

2. City Staff


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