The Texarkana Arkansas City Board of Directors meet for their final regularly scheduled meeting for this month and this year tonight beginning at 6PM at Arkansas side City Hall.

Here is a complete agenda to tonight's meeting:


1.Call to Order
2.Roll Call
3.Invocation given by Assistant Mayor Barbara Miner
4.Pledge of Allegiance by Assistant Mayor Barbara Miner
5.Comments from the Mayor
6.Approval of Minutes of the rescheduled regular meeting December 5, 2017. (CCD)
7.Adopt a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager to enter into a renewal agreement with the Texarkana Housing Authority for services of two (2) officers assigned from the Texarkana, Arkansas Police Department for special patrols and enforcement operations on Housing Authority properties. (TAPD)
8.Adopt an Ordinance approving a residential solid waste collection rate increase. (PWD) (Third Reading) Public Works Director Jeff Whitten
9.Adopt an Ordinance granting a limited franchise agreement for 1894, LLC for location of a railcar on Front Street. (PWD) (Third Reading) Public Works Director Jeff Whitten
10.Citizen Communication [Agenda Item Card and Citizens’ Communication Card]
11.Executive Session
 A.Adopt a Resolution making appointments to various boards, commissions, and committees. [Advertising and Promotion Commission, Equalization Board, Heating and Air Conditioning Board of Review, Housing Authority, Planning Commission, and Southwest Arkansas Development Council] (CCD)
 B.Boards and Commissions Expiration of Terms. (CCD)


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